Team Development
Teams have to find each other more quickly and work together more efficiently .
The self-responsibility of modern teams , which organize and lead themselves, set different standards in the structure of the teams and in the staffing of the leadership function.

Do you also have challenges like this?

Do team constellations change frequently in your company? Is it your experience that this change requires a new form of relationship building?

Do you have cross-cultural teams, where cultural differences lead to initial difficulties?

Are you able to motivate existing teams over a long period of time, so that every employee is passionate about their work and their full potential ?
We support you in the process of team building. Even in already existing teams we support you in solving team conflicts professionally ,so that the success of the team can be ensured. Learn to take the appropriate leadership role to lead your team efficiently to success .
Business challenges have changed dramatically over the last decade. Processes are agile and changing faster and faster. Teams come together in projects, only to break up again after a short time. Remote working makes relationship building more difficult. Add to this the changing work attitudes of Generation Z, where the days of lifelong loyalty to exactly one company are long gone and companies are therefore faced with higher fluctuation rate and, as a result, more and more new team members.

Do you have the feeling that globalization and digitalization are not only improving everyday corporate life, but also increasing time pressure and demanding enormous flexibility?

Do you work with intercultural teams, where often the finding process due to the cultures proves to be difficult at the beginning?

Do you work with constantly changing teams ? Does it also correspond to your experience that this change requires a new form of relationship building?

Are you able to motivate existing teams over a long period of time, so that every employee is passionate about their work and their full potential ?

What is your experience with Remote working - do project teams still work together as successfully and continue to grow as a team?

Are your team members agile enough to quickly and smoothly recombine their strengths as processes change?

Are you able to profitably combine the traditional way of working of experienced employees and the changed work attitude of Generation Z?
We show you how to establish the necessary mechanism for success
All these factors require a rethinking of the traditional process of team building and development. In addition to job and competence descriptions, there is an increasing need to focus on the second informal process environment , where many team conflicts originate.
In addition to the official target agreements, invisible laws regulate rank and affiliation in the team, leadership and the working atmosphere.
Teams only fully exploit their potential when people not only work with each other, but for each other. Goals are achieved faster and more effectively, employee motivation increases, and dissatisfaction and fluctuation decrease.

Denk-Momentum | SOC-Blog
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Seminars & Coaching
In our seminars and coaching offers for team development, you will learn methods for dealing with different team constellations:
Develop successful teams by.....
develop a common vision of goals and make the importance of achieving them transparent, improve communication within the team and strengthen team spirit, develop a clear understanding of roles and avoid team conflicts, optimize work processes, increase motivation and thus improve performance, establish an open feedback culture.