Organizational Development
Look at the most successful international companies: They all have in common that they have a strong vision, communicate it and live it every day. Why is the company's vision the decisive adjusting screw that significantly influences successful sustainable organizational development?

...are like a bright guiding star. Visions have radiance and pull. They describe pictorially what the future of the company will look like if the values are lived and the goals, mission and strategy are successfully implemented.
A shared vision is a crucial component of employee motivation and identification.
Why do some companies that have already formulated a vision lack this motivating force?
It could be because the formulated vision is more like a goal. Goals alone rarely inspire employees to high performance and commitment.

Would you also like to create an inspiration for high performance in your company?

Have you already manifested your corporate vision in the company and among all employees and, most importantly, is this vision being lived out?
Resulting from the vision of the company, the Corporate Mission
The corporate mission specifies how the corporate vision is to be achieved.
Both the vision and the mission of the company are directed at the employees, to customers, Investors and Partners..
Vision, mission and also the strategic goals must therefore be clearly separated from each other, but closely interlinked.
We support you
to develop your vision and mission and to implement them in the company, to expose the core of the company and not to lose sight of the view of the customer, the employees and other stakeholders on the most important drivers of the values .
People and
....who deal where they want to go and "burn" for their vision are indisputably more successful. What power lies behind it, when individuals/companies/organizations engaging with their vision can be seen not only in JFK's motivational speech, but also in companies like Apple, Amazon and several other large successful international companies.
He had already convinced the political world when John F. Kennedy (JFK) delivered his famous speech at Rice University on September 12, 1962, in which he tried to win over the public once again to the ambitious plans to land on the moon:
"Some say, why the moon?"- JFK says,
"Why do we choose it as our destination? And they might as well ask, why climb the highest mountain? Why fly across the Atlantic 35 years ago? We decided to go to the moon. We decided to go to the moon this decade - not because it's easy, but because it's hard."
(John F. Kennedy)
With his emotional visionary speech, JFK motivated many millions of people and companies and was able to achieve this vision with a large budget.

Why is a vision so powerful for companies?
The reason is that a vision is visual and therefore has access to our subconscious needs creating Emotions and Motivations . However, many corporate visions lack motivational power. They are more like a goal or, at best, a mission, and tend not to be what inspires employees and motivates them to perform at their best.
Motivation is rooted in employees SEEING the difference between today and the future.

Where do you want to go with your company?

Where do you want to be with your company in five to ten years?

Have you shown your employees a desirable picture of the future?

Do your managers and employees also know what creative leeway they have to achieve your company's vision?
A shared vision forms a unity and creates a framework of orientation. Employees see themselves as part of the whole - together they shape the future with which the employee identifies. Visions provide orientation not only for employees, but also for stakeholders and potential investors.
Visions are like a guiding star
The mission of a company expresses how it wants to implement its vision and bring it into the world. It provides the picture of a clear path, of daily actionto make ones vision a reality with the company's goals. Ultimately, this not only brings leadership and tremendous motivational power to employees, but it is also the interface where customers and stakeholders feel connected to the company. The mission expresses the highest values and clearly shows what the company stands for with its services and products.
Denk-Momentum | SOC-Blog
Germany Needs Reflective YES Voices
How good is your change management? With a broad-based campaign "Germany needs more YES-sayers," a newspaper advertises in November ...
Lifeless vs. lived vision?
How important are vision, values and passion really for the success of a company? We basically like to distinguish the "lifeless" vision ...
Seminars & Coaching
We support you in our seminars and coaching offers for organizational development:
Based on the best practices of international entrepreneurs, we work with you to visualize and define your vision, mission, values and strategic goals.
Where is potential for improvement and how can I implement it fast and efficiently?
SOC supports your company in positioning itself successfully for the future - an individual process in a time in which internationality, diversity and virtual forms of work are increasing and creating complexity.