Eine Auswahl an SOC Seminaren
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Planen Sie Ihren nächsten Karriereschritt im Unternehmen, möchten Sie sich als Unternehmen für eine erfolgreiche Zukunft vorbereiten oder als Existenzgründer/-in und Unternehmer/-in Ihr Business voranbringen – wir bieten Ihnen eine eine Reihe von Weiterbildungsmöglichkeiten.

Executive Development
Leaders who use a modern leadership style motivate employees and thus work more efficiently and success-oriented. In this seminar you will develop your communication skills, learn new techniques of employee motivation and develop your leadership personality.
Learn to recognize potential young leaders and to develop them sustainably for your company. The seminar covers the topics of complexity thinking, motivation and commitment, delegation and empowerment, working with remote teams (new), and learning to give feedback but also to deal with feedback yourself.
VUCA world - the acronym for Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity and Ambiguity - describes the current challenges of companies. In addition to the opportunities that this fast-moving and complex corporate world requires, executives need to get back to the core of what they do to ensure success.
In times of digitalization and increasing complexity, decisions have to be made faster and faster, dealing with new systems has to be learned quickly, and work autonomy is on the rise. Employees often feel overwhelmed, stressed and lose their footing.
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Organizational Development
Visions are like a bright guiding star. Visions have charisma and pull. They describe pictorially what the future of the company will look like if the values are lived and the goals, mission and strategy are successfully implemented. A common vision is a decisive component of motivation and identification of employees and an important success factor. We support you in identifying and establishing your corporate vision.
Seminar is only available as a corporate seminar.
Changes in companies are not the exception, but are also gaining momentum and intensity with increasing digitalization and globalization. Every company and every employee is aware of the need for change. Everyone wants change, but no one wants to be affected by it. However, change is only successful if change is firmly anchored in the corporate culture. In our seminar we show you how change can be successfully implemented in the company.
*not bookable as open seminar
Generation change is very emotional and must be treated individually. The owner wants to give "his baby" in good hands. He wants his philosophy and the company valuesto be lived on. The successorhas his own ideas and ideas and wants to realize them... How does one create a consensus here? How does one create that also the existing employees support the generation change? Applies naturally also with company sales!
Contact us - individually and personally we support you successfully with the handover.
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Team Development
A team has the task of organizing itself and also managing itself. Therefore, not only clear framework conditions are crucial for team success, but also the composition of the team. In this seminar you will learn how to assess potential team members not only on the basis of hard skills and how to include them in the team.
Companies are increasingly working with teams to lead the company to success. The teams are either agile or the group of participants is clearly defined for the duration of the task. Especially in agile teams, where team members are briefly integrated into existing teams per task, but also in long-term team constellations, conflicts occur again and again. Often conflicts start bilaterally. Learn in our seminar to create a team culture and thereby avoid conflict potential.
What form of creativity techniques do you use in the company to gain new perspective and solution proposals or even to solve problems? Do you limit yourself - like most companies - to brainstorming? Get to know new methods ....
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