Executive Development
Do you know the secret of high performers?
High performers are those leaders who feel truly responsible for the company, the employees and the brand, and who ensure that the company's vision is implemented.

High Performers

lead with empathy and passion

exemplify to their employees what they want them to do

integrate new things in times of change

motivate the individual

support each employee in his or her personal development

understand the connection between appreciative communication and (business) success

orientate themselves on the most successful companies
However, this is precisely where many managers face a major challenge. Moving into a leadership position requires the implementation of other behaviors and competency patterns, such as empathy and a feel for the people in the team.
Unfortunately, these competencies were not learned in the previous professional life. These two strategy fields - the inner and outer strategy fields - need to be reconciled.
Many managers assume that their personality determines their leadership competence. Our approach differentiates here and is oriented to the key success factors of the most successful companies worldwide.
In our seminars and coaching offers for personality development you will learn methods for self-leadership:

To become aware of your strengths and to change your (supposed) weaknesses

Analyze your mindset and establish appropriate strategies for your goals

To balance stress fields and face challenges with more energy
Successful leaders challenge their mindset and reframe their thinking
In high performing companies, managers primarily lead themselves and set an example. A good leadership style therefore needs more than good technology. Your personality and your mindset determine whether you are able to make good decisions in all situations and to support your employees in getting the best out of themselves.
The secret of high performance goes even further: employees need a shared passion and vision to grow beyond the goal. This modern way of Leadership focuses on the individual and their potential, integrates and motivates the team and overcomes self limiting attitudes and behavior patterns. Reflective self-awarness, focus on goals and opportunities and recognition of one's own areas of learning and development characterize High Performance Leadership.
As a leader, you already know how valuable your experience and expertise are, and you can use both sovereign and profitable. You are probably also familiar with other situations in which, for example, the pressure is high, personal concerns from the private sphere interfere with your concentration or "power games" from colleagues and employees create a successful cooperation more difficult..
Successful leaders are masters - they master the two major strategy fields: The outer and the inner strategy field. While in training, studies and everyday working life rather the "outer game" is in the foreground, some people learn little well-founded ways of bringing the crucial "inner game" to mastery.
The inner game takes place due to the individual way of thinking called Mindset. With our methods we decode this necessary mindset in the shortest possible time and target the areas of change that are necessary for the desired result.
We understand personality as a fluid concept. We support you to understand emotions and the inner strategy better and to change them in such a way that they bring not only success -but also great satisfaction at the end.In our opinion, personality development is not divided into professional success or private satisfaction: Rather, it is about balance and our inner potentials, to create the outer reality.
Think-Momentum | SOC-Blog
Management trap: Rigid mindset
Why Mindset Decides (Entrepreneurial) Success...
Seminars & Coaching
In our seminars and coaching offers for personality development you will learn methods for self-leadership:
To become aware of your strengths and to change your (supposed) weaknesses;
To leverage your solid foundation and recognize the moments when flexibility is required or leads to even greater success;
To analyze your two major strategic areas and establish suitable strategies;
To be even more of a role model and orientation for your employees and colleagues;
To balance stress fields and face challenges with more energy ;
A new way of being - techniques become new action skills that are unconsciously used as new best choices by you