Why Mindset Decides (Entrepreneurial) Success...
The world in which we live and work is the way it is. However, the way we perceive it differs enormously!
Our mindset is responsible, how we perceive things and how we respond to it. This in turn influences the results we achieve:

If we could positively influence our mindset, how successful could we be?
However, there is at least one presupposition in this statement that we must first examine:
The statement that our mindset is changeable- yes, freely selectable!
To do this, we should first take a look at what Mindset actually means and how it differs from personality, for example...
"From the perspective of psychology, a mindset primarily encompasses individual attitudes and the way people feel and act, so from this perspective, mindsets are primarily shaped by personal experience. Mindset theory was developed by motivational psychologist Carol Dweck and was primarily intended to show the implications that people's beliefs about their own intelligence and other personality traits have on their learning or learning efforts. (Mindset - Online Encyclopedia of Psychology and Education'. Online Encyclopedia of Psychology and Education. https://lexikon.stangl.eu/27984/mindset)

Dynamic versus static self-image
Dweck has proven in numerous studies that people with a dynamic self-image ("Growth Mindset") think in a growth-oriented way and consider how they can still develop further even in crisis situations, whereas people with a static self-image (Fixed Mindset) tend to react to failure with helplessness, get under pressure and question themselves. People with a Growth Mindset see problems as a challenge that they can grow from. People with a Fixed Mindset, on the other hand, see their abilities as a given, which means they will generally avoid challenges.

But how can you develop a growth mindset?
Try a little exercise of always putting the word NOCH in front of a negative statement and you will quickly feel a change. People with a Growth Mindset focus on the fact that they can achieve anything. They bring the word "NOCH" into their language use. Instead of saying, "I can't do it," they simply say, "I can't do it yet!". People with a Growth Mindset know they can achieve anything. Constant learning is one of their most important characteristics. ...and again: The Mindset makes the difference!